Girls on merry-go-round
Fees and Payments
School of the Ozarks
2025-2026 Fee Schedule
Kindergarten: $1,625.00 per year
$812.50 per semester-includes lunch, students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
1st Grade-12th Grade: $3,250.00 per year
$1,625.00 per semester
What does this cover?
- Meals and snacks
- Books and classroom resources
- Activities (field trips, sports, physical education, special speakers, convocations, access to gym/library, etc.)
- Lab/Technology
- Lower School before and after school care
Financial Aid will be granted to families who qualify.
Payments can be made monthly (over a 10 month period), once a year, or once a semester.
Families will be responsible for purchasing the child’s uniform through the Lands’ End School Uniform website. Uniform assistance is available to those families who qualify.